Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Dear Christian Friends; An Attempt at Mending

To all my Christian friends who don’t support homosexuality, and other Christians who feel the same,

I know times are tough for you right now, being attacked for your views. But I want to bring some things up, in light of the recent Supreme Court decision to legalize marriage equality nationwide. 

Do not pray for me. That is, do not pray for me to not be gay. I’ve tried, many times.
It. Does. Not. Work.  
If you’re going to pray for me, pray for me to go down the path God wants me to be on. We can sit and debate if I truly am or not all night and day, but what is a truth is that neither of us know for sure. If you want to pray for me, let that be your prayer. I understand you’re trying to do good by praying for me to not be gay, but...it does the opposite. 

Next, just because you don’t think my marriage is exactly in God’s plan does not mean you have to legally oppose it. Marriage, whether you like it or not, is not exclusively Christian. People outside the faith get married all the time. You are entitled to your opinion on my marriage, but please do not let that opinion infringe on my rights. You all love your spouses, and significant others. That’s all we’re trying to do, have the same rights with a person we love. 

Also, please do not ignore the fact that marriage has been redefined before. In the Bible, there are multiple times where someone either had multiple wives, concubines, was forced into marriage, married for money, ect. It has happened before. We even have Biblical proof of that. Not to mention the fact divorce has been made legal. Marriage shouldn’t be about who is involved in it, but what it is revolved around. 

If you’re going to attack my sin, attack my lust. Lust is the sin. Homosexuality was not even a word, or an idea, until the late 19th century. When the original translations of the Bible quote against homosexuality, it’s specifically the sexual acts. Which are also a heterosexual sin. Homosexuality does not equal lust. Lust is a product of any sexual orientation. Make that your sin you to combat. I understand that you want to “save” me from my sins, but trust me, I’m working on that enough for myself. Your heart is in the right place. Jesus loves us both the same. When you tell someone that their love is pushing them away from God though, they're going to get hurt and offended and probably turn the opposite way. 

We aren’t trying to attack the church. Trust me, save for a few crazy individuals, no one is going to force you to be gay or force a pastor to marry us. Most will take their wedding elsewhere. 

I’m sorry you’ve been attacked for your views. I’m sorry that people call you bigots and are saying you’re hateful. I’m sorry that you’re being degraded because of what you believe in. Not all of us want that; in fact, it’s how we’ve felt for years and years due to things we can not change. The queer community and the Christian community have a lot in common actually. Both are illegal in many parts of the world, both are based around love, and both just want a world in where they don’t feel prosecuted by something they feel so passionately about. Crazy, right? We all just get so passionate about everything that we get caught up in hateful words, when instead we should all, both sides, be focusing on speaking with love and truth. 

I know your heart is in the right place. I know that you're just trying to live a life God wants you to live, and be a light unto others. I’m not trying to force my opinion on you. I know I've made a lot of mistakes and gone about my faith all wrong before. I’m trying to have you hear my voice. Hear my heart. I’m praying for you, that people will see your side, but I’m also praying you will see our side of things. Then, we can take a step forward to being a united and unique nation.
Again, I’m so, so sorry. 

Lots of love,
Your gay Christian neighbor.

1 comment:

  1. I send best wishes to you. Your sentence about someone praying for you makes you worse, or do worse, whatever you meant, is saddening to me. No one wishes you harm. We just disagree with your lifestyle and we believe it can be harmful to your health.
